Children whose parents are separating and sharing custody may currently be forced to breathe secondhand smoke in one of their parents' home or car. This can be stopped by the courts during a divorce or custody hearing. A good attorney (and parent) can insist that their child be kept in a totally smoke free environment. This should include a requirement that the child not be forced to ride in a car, or stay in a home or business if smoking is allowed in those places at any time.

After all smoking ends, it takes at least two weeks for the smoke in a car, home and business to completely leave those areas. It is not good enough for the smoking parent to simply not smoke in their car, home or business while their child is with them. To protect their child’s health they should never be allowed to smoke in those places.

By clicking on the following files you can see a lot more information about how and why to protect children from secondhand smoke.

How To Get A Judge To Order A Smoke Free Environment For Your Child While Going Through A Divorce and/or Custody Fight (.pdf)

Nebraska State Laws Can Protect Children From Secondhand Smoke (.pdf)

Smoking Causes Problems With Neurobehavioral Problems In Newborns (.pdf)

2002 Ohio Divorce Court Case That Ordered A Smoke Free Home For A Young Girl (.pdf)

Woman Sent To Jail For Smoking Near Her Kids (.pdf)

Mothers Who Cannot Quit Should At Least Practice Good-Smoking Hygiene (.pdf)

Children Are More Exposed To Secondhand Smoke Than Adults (.pdf)